Post graduation formation |
According to the license, the faculty prepares for clinical interns under 38 programs:
Obstetrics and gynecology,
Traumatology and orthopedy,
Children's surgery,
Anesthesiology and Resuscitation,
Cardiovascular surgery,
Thoracic surgery,
Children's oncology,
Colon proctology,
X-ray diagnostics,
Infectious diseases,
Psychiatry and psychotherapy,
Family medicine,
Clinical pharmacology,
Functional diagnostics,
Forensic medicine,
Pathological anatomy,
Organization of public health services and public health,
Maxillofacial surgery.
In 2008, 6 internsip programs had been licensed.
- Surgery
- Therapy
- Obstetrics and gynecology
- Psychiatry
- Pediatrics
- Stomatology for general practice.
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In 2008 are carried out already 9-th release of doctors of medicine and doctors of surgery and 7-th - clinical interns who have received corresponding certificates and certificates on the right to work in the area of medicine selected by them.
High quality of teaching is confirmed by four checks from the Russian education commissions of experts in 1995, 1999, 2000, 2003 and 2008.
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Postgraduate study and doctoral studies |
Orders of the Ministry of Education and science of the Russian Federation at faculty had been opened 26 scientific specialities of preparation of post-graduate students: 14.00.01 - obstetrics and gynecology, 14.00.04 - ENT, 14.00.05 - internal diseases, 14.00.06 - cardiology, 14.00.08 - eye diseases, 14.00.09 - pediatrics, 14.00.10 - infectious diseases, 14.00.13 - nervous diseases, 14.00.14 - oncology, 14.00.16 - pathological physiology, 14.00.17 - normal physiology, 14.00.18 - psychiatry, 14.00.20 - traumatology and orthopedy, 14.00.21 - stomatology, 14.00.25 - pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, 14.00.26 - phthisiology, 14.00.27 - surgery, 14.00.28 - neurosurgery, 14.00.29 - hematology and blood transfusion, 14.00.35 - children's surgery, 14.00.40 - urology, 14.00.44 - cardiovascular surgery, 19.00.04-medical psychology, 14.00.11 - Skin and venereal diseases, 14.00.33 - Organization of public health services and public health, 14.00.37 - Anesthesiology and Resuscitation.
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Dissertational advice VAK of the Russian Federation are opened:
- Doctor's
- D 730.001.02. On cardiology and internal diseases;
- D 730.001.03. On surgery, oncology, cardiovascular surgery;
- D 730.001.08 on pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology;
- Candidate
- C 730.001.04 on physiology, path physiology, psychiatry.
In this council, 6 doctor's and 163 master's degrees have been awarded.
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Research work |
Research work is conducted in 7 directions, 15 problems and 78 themes. Problems are most successfully developed: " Correction of a condition of life-support systems in norm and pathologies "," Features of current of diseases in conditions of Kyrgyz Republic "," Influence of a complex of ecological and genetic factors on physical development and a state of health of children ", " Optimization of methods of treatment of surgical diseases ", " Studying of a problem in psychiatry ", " Perfection of methods of forecasting and the prevention obstetrics and prenatal pathologies ".
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Scientifically-practical conferences of employees and students of faculty are annually spent. In 2005 conference has received the status Republican and has been devoted to the 60 anniversary of the Victory over Great Domestic War. Employees of faculty actively participate in the international conferences, symposiums and the congresses spent Russia, France, Finland, the USA, Germany, China, Malaysia, Greece and other countries of the world.
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During existence of faculty, employees it is published more than 1300 clauses in various collections and five numbers of " Bulletin KRSU ", 8 textbooks, 35 monographies, 310 manuals are published, is received more than 40 copyright certificates and patents.
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Students of faculty |
Annual competition is made from 4,5 (pediatrics) up to 20 (stomatology) persons on a place. Today at faculty 1200 students, from them almost 70% on a contract basis are trained. Including - 70 foreign students from India, Nepal, China, USA, Israel, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbek Republic, Turkmenistan and Tadjik Republic. Except them, there are 112 stdents from neighbor country Kazakh Republic and 50 students from Russia.
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Many students of faculty with interest participate in national and international conferences. With 2003 at faculty Advice of young scientists and students functions, and on faculties scientific mugs actively work. Annually pass student's scientific conferences and seminars. In 2003 and to 2004 of work of students of faculty diplomas of final conference of medical faculty of People's Friendship University (Moscow) have deserved, and 20 theses of students and young scientists of faculty have been published in the collection of 7-th All-Russia conference of young scientists and students " the Person and its health " (St.-Petersburg).
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At faculty there is a KVN theatre group " People in white ", cheerfully and fascinatingly passes annual Dedication in students, Birthday of the faculty, New year, on March, 8th and other holidays are marked.
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The international cooperation |
Medical faculty has wide contacts to related medical high schools, faculties, the Centers and scientific research institute of the Russian Federation: the Russian University of Friendship of People, the Moscow State University, the St.-Petersburg State University, the St.-Petersburg State Medical University, Novosibirsk and Yaroslavl medical academies, the Russian and St.-Petersburg medical academies post graduation formations, the Moscow scientific research institute of psychiatry, the All-Russia Center of obstetrics, gynecology and neonatology, etc.
Last years there were contractual attitudes with high schools of the central-Asian region: the Tadjik medical university, the Karaganda and West-Kazakhstan medical academies.
Under the initiative of faculty collective in 2002г. The Branch of the Russian Medical Association in Kyrgyzstan owing to what KRSU has an opportunity to be well informed about all parties of process of reforming of system of public health services in Russia has been opened.
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