International meeting |
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Our Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University is the first high school of such type not only in republic, but also space of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Therefore our experience is interesting to much and about it there was a conversation during a meeting of members of delegations of Russia and Byelorussia with a management of university.
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The university pays the big attention to an establishment of creative communications with the various educational, scientific and cultural organizations of Russia, the CIS and the far abroad. With this purpose university are signed:
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1. The memorandum of cooperation with Teheran university,
2. The contract about intentions with University Nebraska-lincoln;
3. The memorandum of mutual understanding with Swiss Program NCCR the North-south
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The program of Scientific Researches the North-south (NCCR North-South) is the partner program on carrying out of scientific researches on mitigation of consequences of the problems entailing global changes. The given program is financed by the Swiss Agency on Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Swiss Scientific Fund (SNSF). The given Program is realized by a consortium of the Swiss institutes and their partners in developing countries and the countries with transitive economy, including by means of cooperation with the various regional and international institutes, aspiring to solve similar problems. One of the basic purposes of the given program - support of young promising scientists. КРСУ the North-south since February, 2003 is the partner of the Program. Cooperation with KRSU consists in carrying out of joint dissertational researches by post-graduate students, in realization of projects PAMS and from separate actions.,
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Also the University has signed agreements for cooperation with:
The Athenian National technical university (Greece),
Technical university Endhoven (Holland),
University Newcastle (Great Britain),
University the Geteborg (Sweden),
Ahhistat tech university (Germany),
The maximum ecological college Kvanzhu (Korea),
Phiratskyi University (Turkey),
Urumchi institute of educations (China).
The spadework on the conclusion of contracts with Delhi university, Diplomatic Academy the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, leading German universities, under the introduction into Association of legal high schools of Russia, Foreign policy Association of Russia, on opening republican branch of Academy of social and pedagogical sciences of Russia is lead.
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The university is a member of the International Academy of sciences of the higher school, the International Association of teachers of Russian and the literature.
KRSU successfully continues work within the limits of the concluded contracts about cooperation with the Universities below:
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The Moscow state university in memorial of M.V. Lomonosova,(Russia)
The Moscow state technical university in memorial of N.E. Baumana,(Russia)
Diplomatic academy the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia,(Russia)
The Moscow state institute of international attitudes,(Russia)
Russian economic academy, (Russia)
Russian state humanitarian university,(Russia)
Moscow international university,(Russia)
Novosibirsk state university, (Russia)
Scientific research institutes of the Russian academy of sciences, (Russia)
University of Westminster (Great Britain),
The Athenian national technical university (Greece),
Technical university Endhoven (Holland),
University of Lanchow (Peoples Republic of China),
Ecological college Kvanzhu (Republic Korea),
University Plymouth (England),
University Ajhshtetta (Germany),
Phyratskyi University (Turkey),
Moscow Medical Academy (Russia),
People's Freindship University (Russia),
Russian Post Graduation Medical Academy (Russia),
Saint Petersburg State University (Russia),
Saint Petersburg Medical University (Russia).
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KRSU continues cooperate with the National academy of sciences of Kyrgyz Republic.
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Employees of university take part in the international programs:
To scientific program INTAS in partnership with Technical University Endhoven (Holland) in the field of development of advanced plasma technologies.
To the program of European Community Tempus Tacis in partnership with the Athenian National technical university (Greece), Hyteborhskyi university (Sweden) and university of Newcastle (Great Britain) on perfection of an education system in КRSU in the field of information technologies.
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Program Tacis Ace in partnership with Lesterskyi University (England) on problems econolica analysis of macroeconomic dynamics of the CIS countries.
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Within the limits of the interuniversity contract the university accepts on rates of Russian of group of students from Korea.
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The exchange of curricula and programs on specialties of corresponding faculties from the Moscow State University, Diplomatic academy the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the St.-Petersburg university, the Moscow academy of management, Institute of Russian and the literature is adjusted by A.S.Pushkina, MGTU.
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With a view of creation of base for formation of experts with new world outlook culture at university are opened the center of the United Nations, the centers American, Chinese, Iranian, Turkish, which list will be continued. The grant on creation of Information centre of the international organizations is received. These cabinets involve not only teachers and students an opportunity by means of the profound knowledge to define specialization of the activity in a concrete direction, but also workers of the embassies accredited in Kyrgyz Republic as closer dialogue with students allows both to study more full a host country, and to distribute the information on strategy of foreign policy of the country more effectively.
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Good tradition became active participation of ambassadors and other members of a diplomatic coprs in conferences, seminars, the specialized employment spent within the precincts of university.
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All is more widely used such form of work, as the invitation of highly skilled experts from near and far abroad. So, with students teachers on line PROON, Cases of the World, the CART, the Cultural Center of Vatican, the Project of civil formation of Fund of Soros, the invited teachers from University Perpinjana (France), the Austrian Diplomatic academy, SCI Institute of the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Science.
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